{"id":3728,"date":"2021-03-28T21:45:43","date_gmt":"2021-03-28T21:45:43","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/darachi.com\/?p=3728"},"modified":"2021-03-28T22:28:31","modified_gmt":"2021-03-28T22:28:31","slug":"illana-rachel-daniel-israel-medical-apartheid","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/darachi.com\/illana-rachel-daniel-israel-medical-apartheid\/","title":{"rendered":"Israel is Under a Medical Apartheid \u2014 Illana Rachel Daniel"},"content":{"rendered":"


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Illana Rachel Daniel is a Rapeh party candidate.<\/p>\n

Rapeh was founded by Arieh Avni, a medical doctor who is deeply concerned that Israel has spent more time in lockdown than any other country, has decimated its economy, and yet continues to have a high COVID-19 infection rate. Israel has seen 6,100 covid-related deaths in a population of 9.7 million people.<\/p>\n

According to his party literature, Avni\u2019s aim is \u201cto cure the Ministry of Health\u2019s years of injustices that have reached their peak during 2020-2021 and are manifested by unbearable medical coercion and the violation of human rights: lockdown, social distancing, cellular location tracking, the green passport, the wearing of masks, the destruction of the economy and public deception.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n

Avni wants to overhaul the health system to focus on preventative treatments, improving the health of the overall population, and strengthening their immune systems. As a medical doctor, Avni believes this would significantly reduce the impact of the pandemic.<\/p>\n

Illana Rachel Daniel has made numerous factual errors with regards to mRNA based vaccines. For example she has claimed elsewhere that they are not a vaccine but are instead “medical devices”<\/em> – untrue. She has also claimed that they represent “genetic engineering” – untrue, and anyone interested should listen to the interview I did with Liz Parrish.<\/a> Liz was the first human to genetically modify themselves.<\/p>\n

However Illana is correct that the vaccines are experimental, confer risk, and that there is no scientific reason to vaccinate everyone. If you think otherwise, please feel free to contact me with justification.<\/p>\n

Only the vulnerable should be offered vaccination. The vaccines do not confer ‘sterilizing immunity’ – you can still transmit the virus once vaccinated.<\/p>\n

I’ve included Illana as she illuminates the present situation that Israel has descended into a medical tyranny, and that it represents a model to be rolled out across the globe. It is highly likely that other nations will now force\/coerce annual experimental medical treatments upon their populations, in exchange for temporal restoration of some civil liberties.<\/p>\n

It is likely that under the guise of “coronavirus” the population of Earth will be assigned a “global ID” and will have a “health status” attached to it.<\/p>\n

It’s very very odd, particularly since the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) is around that of influenza<\/a> (~0.15%, whereas influenza according to Fauci is ~0.1%).<\/p>\n

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